This week in Français and Sciences Humaines, we read about different family sizes, and how each one is important, because of the love we share! We learned new Français words: «une maman», «un papa», «une soeur», «un frère», «une grand-maman», et «un grand-papa», «une tante» et "un oncle»!
We also learned a pre-reading/writing strategy to "listen" and "feel" the different sounds in words. First we learn about beginning sounds, the ending sounds and finally middle sounds. So , if your child wishes to "write" words by themselves, then this is the easiest way for child to learn to write words!
An activity we have started in class, is to use the Elkonan boxes, named after a Russian researcher on language development, we start with small words, say it three times, and "push" the first sound into the first sound-box, using a bingo chip. Then, we repeat for the next/last sound. We have learned to "listen", "feel", "write" the sounds associated to: «la, ma, ta, Sa». Then, we will move onto words with 3 sound-boxes! Note: all of this is done with our Français vocabulary! But this can also be a fun game to play at home. On Pintrest there are several free downloads for "Elkonan Box Games"!
Such as these:
In Science, we continue our study of «Les couleurs» in combination with our study of bulbs/plants.
In Math, we continue to do calendar activities counting, from 1-20, by 2's, by 5's, by 10's and backwards!
As well we love the play centres, where the content changes often! Here we are in action:
Beau travail Maternelle! Beautiful work Kinders!
Bonne fin de semaine!!
💝. ❤️. Mme Muriel Nielsen. ❤️. 💞.
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