Saturday, 25 November 2017

December Reminders!

Dear K-PM Parents,

Here are a few important dates to remember in December:

Friday, Dec. 1, 2017 - No Classes - Evaluation Day

Monday, Dec. 18, 2017 - K-5 Winter Concert ( 6:30-8:30 pm )

Monday, Dec. 25, 2017 - Friday, Jan. 5, 2017 - Winter Break - No Classes!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!


Mme Nielsen

Weekly Updates Nov. 20-24th

Dear K-PM Parents,

Another week has past so quickly! In Français, we learned about «Les couleurs» and started our first mini book! This is the beginning of a collection of Français mini books we will be using to practice our reading skills!  Once we have made a few, I will send them home in a Ziplock bag so that the children can show you what they know!

We also concentrated on letter identification and studied «les lettres» /m/, /p/, /f/, & /s/ for «maman, papa, frère et soeur».  We started /b/, /j/, /r/, for the primary color words: «Bleu, jaune, et rouge». I may send home some practice sheets, if needed.

In Math, we have worked on number recognition: 1-8 and placing "apples and seeds" in increasing order - Counting the number of seeds in each Apple, cut and glue each picture from smallest to biggest!

In Science, we are continuing our study on seasonal changes: "What happens to the trees between Fall and Winter?" / «Quels sont les changements d'un arbre entre l'automne et l'hiver?»

And we continue to have our play time in the learning centres!

Another fun and busy week filled with much learning!

Bravo la Maternelle!

❤️ 💖

Mme Nielsen 

Caring and Sharing


Good Day Van Walleghem Community,


First and foremost we would like to take this early opportunity to wish you and your family all the best for the holiday season!


As the year will soon be coming to an end, we would further like to thank you for the generosity that you have again shown this year.  We have been able to do some incredible things in 2017 due to the incredible generosity shown through our various fundraising efforts.  Even more importantly, however, has been your generosity where programs involving our city community are concerned.  Over the course of 2017, we have been able to help many people in the city attain and maintain the ability to fulfill some basic care needs that they may not be able to otherwise.  Thanks to your efforts, Van Walleghem families, our children are learning that even a small donation can go a long way to help others.


As the holiday season approaches, Van Walleghem classes will again be helping our community.  We have been able to connect with families through Child and Family Services to provide food and resources to some families who have come upon some unfortunate times.  In your children’s classes, the teachers will discuss this program and ask that students bring in some specific non-perishable food items, and, when possible, a monetary donation for perishables/grocery gift card and small gifts for the children.  


Every year we do this, our families that deliver often talk about how powerful an experience this is.  If you are available to help with the shopping or the delivery of the hampers, please speak directly to your classroom teacher.  


Below you will find a list of the non-perishable items which are suggested for contributions.  

We thank you, again, and in advance, for the contributions that you will make to this program.  While we, the teachers, may be the ones directly in contact with the families, we know that this program is not a success without the generosity of our school community.




Van Walleghem Staff







Canned meats

Canned Fruits


Pasta sauce

Canned vegetables

Canned beans, chilli, stew



Peanut butter






Cake Mix





Saturday, 18 November 2017

VW's School Calendar - Nov. 2017 to Jan. 2018

Dear K-PM Parents,

Here is a copy of our VW's Nov to January calendars, in case your family is planning a winter trip!

Have a great weekend!

Happy planning...your Winter Break!



Mme Nielsen

Friday, 17 November 2017

Week of November 13-17th

Dear K-PM Parents,

This week in Français and Sciences Humaines, we read about different family sizes, and how each one is important, because of the love we share! We learned new Français words: «une maman», «un papa», «une soeur», «un frère», «une grand-maman», et «un grand-papa», «une tante» et "un oncle»!

We also learned a pre-reading/writing strategy to "listen" and "feel" the different sounds in words. First we learn about beginning sounds, the ending sounds and finally middle sounds. So , if your child wishes to "write" words by themselves, then this is the easiest way for child to learn to write words!

An activity we have started in class, is to use the Elkonan boxes, named after a Russian researcher on language development, we start with small words, say it three times, and "push" the first sound into the first sound-box, using a bingo chip. Then, we repeat for the next/last sound. We have learned to "listen", "feel", "write" the sounds associated to: «la, ma, ta, Sa».  Then, we will move onto words with 3 sound-boxes! Note: all of this is done with our Français vocabulary! But this can also be a fun game to play at home. On Pintrest there are several free downloads for "Elkonan Box Games"!

Such as these:

In Science, we continue our study of «Les couleurs» in combination with our study of bulbs/plants.

What a great way to explore different parts of a plant!  Mme Mousseau's class has started and the bulbs have already started to sprout! 

In Math, we continue to do calendar activities counting, from 1-20, by 2's, by 5's, by 10's and backwards!

As well we love the play centres, where the content changes often!  Here we are in action: 

Beau travail Maternelle! Beautiful work Kinders!

Bonne fin de semaine!!

 💝. ❤️. Mme Muriel Nielsen. ❤️. 💞.   

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Latest Updates...A Time to Remember

Dear K-PM Parents, ❤️❤️❤️

It has been an active first half of November. We started off by preparing our display of poppies for the VW Remembrance Day ceremony on November 10th at 11 AM.  Here are a few photos of our work in progress...

We continue to work on letter recognition in French, by reading, writing and creating our beautiful group paper-collage of «Tika Tika Boum Boum!»

Here's our collective artistic project!  I'm so pleased with the results!  They put much effort and picked partners they usually don't work with. Bravo la Maternelle! 


 Merci!  Thank you!

Mme Nielsen 

Friday, 3 November 2017

October In Review...

Dear K-PM Parents, 

Wow! Another month has come and gone and we have already started November! 

Here are their beautiful Halloween costumes...

And now for a silly pose...

Then, off we went to the VW's Parade of Costumes, where Gru and his Mignons were busily entertaining the crowd...

And wishing everyone a Happy Halloween...

This was only the beginning of the week!

On Friday, November 3rd we were back in the gym with the grades 1-5 for a concert by Michael Mitchell, singing along to many well-known Songs rich in Canadian historical content!

Thank you to Mme Janine Patenaude for preparing our students by practicing the songs in music class!

Now, I would like to thank all of you, the parents and grandparents, for bringing your children/grandchildren to school!  You are truly helping your child by playing this important role in your child's education and eventually future employment! 

So, you're probably asking why I'd be talking to you about future job opportunities? I'm actually taking a course in "Career Development" in order to complete a Certification in Inclusive Education. So, I was curious to see how the students felt about their future "Jobs" or "Work"? Here are the responses I received in their own words:
              * Helping friends
              * Café Owner
              * Substitute Teacher
              * Superstore Security Guard
              * Ambulance Driver
              * Princess/ Queen
              * Pharmacist
              * Batman 
              * Doctor
              * Lego Nynja
              * Toy Tester
              * Science Tester
              * Police Woman
              * Shopper
              * Policeman
              * Batman - Yes! We could always use more than one!
              * Doctor 

Play time is crucial to a child's development in so many areas of growth and learning. By playing Batman, a child is creatively communicating to understand the needs of others. S/he is collaborating to share ideas and problem-solving, all while critically thinking about various solutions. Now the students do not need to know all of this information, but when they are ready all of these skills will be important in the future!

Here are a few more of our weekly play centres...

Welcome to our VW Café! What would you like order? 

    Maybe future archeologists?

Geoboards are so much fun! Creating shapes with elastics!

Problem-solving...critical thinking...


Merci to all of you who help shape the futures of our students!

Have a good weekend! 


Mme Nielsen