Saturday, 25 November 2017
December Reminders!
Weekly Updates Nov. 20-24th
Caring and Sharing
Good Day Van Walleghem Community,
First and foremost we would like to take this early opportunity to wish you and your family all the best for the holiday season!
As the year will soon be coming to an end, we would further like to thank you for the generosity that you have again shown this year. We have been able to do some incredible things in 2017 due to the incredible generosity shown through our various fundraising efforts. Even more importantly, however, has been your generosity where programs involving our city community are concerned. Over the course of 2017, we have been able to help many people in the city attain and maintain the ability to fulfill some basic care needs that they may not be able to otherwise. Thanks to your efforts, Van Walleghem families, our children are learning that even a small donation can go a long way to help others.
As the holiday season approaches, Van Walleghem classes will again be helping our community. We have been able to connect with families through Child and Family Services to provide food and resources to some families who have come upon some unfortunate times. In your children’s classes, the teachers will discuss this program and ask that students bring in some specific non-perishable food items, and, when possible, a monetary donation for perishables/grocery gift card and small gifts for the children.
Every year we do this, our families that deliver often talk about how powerful an experience this is. If you are available to help with the shopping or the delivery of the hampers, please speak directly to your classroom teacher.
Below you will find a list of the non-perishable items which are suggested for contributions.
We thank you, again, and in advance, for the contributions that you will make to this program. While we, the teachers, may be the ones directly in contact with the families, we know that this program is not a success without the generosity of our school community.
Van Walleghem Staff
Soup |
Canned meats |
Canned Fruits |
Pasta |
Pasta sauce |
Canned vegetables |
Canned beans, chilli, stew |
Rice |
Cereal |
Peanut butter |
Sugar |
Coffee/Tea |
Juice |
Oatmeal |
Cookies |
Cake Mix |
Jam/Honey |