Friday, 29 September 2017

September In Review...

Bonjour K-PM Parents!

Well, we had a wonderful day during our walkathon today! The boys and girls walked for one whole hour! I'm sure they will be very tired this evening. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have volunteered today in making our traditional VW walkathon a success!

This month we have worked on learning new routines, getting to know one another, learning the letters of our names, identifying letters of the alphabet in French!  We continue to learn about the date, the days of the week, and counting in French during our calendar activities. 

Many routines help to establish a sense of security within our classroom environment. The first thing we get to do is put on our indoor shoes, walk in class to pick a book to read, or share a book with a friend. Once attendance is taken, we will sing our bonjour song, and we often learn new skills in our alphabet centers. 

Then it's off to play time, where the children have learned to use their name tags on apple sticks, in order to place them in various pockets that describe a specific play center. They are free to choose the centre they would like to play in, and change when they are done in the first center.

We also worked on social skills, and the book we are reading to help us understand these very important skills is entitled: "Have you filled a bucket today?" Here is the link of a video and a song we have viewed during our snacktime: ”How Full is Your Bucket?" "Bucket Filler Song"

Have a wonderful last day of September!



Mme Nielsen

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