Saturday, 21 April 2018

April 16-20th Updates and Reminders

Dear K-PM Parents, 


This week we started our new mini centres. These include working on numbers 11-20, identifying, printing, doing 1-1 correspondence, while using play dough to shape the numbers on the cards! 

We also have two alphabet centres printing lower & upper-case, while using a highlighter/ or marker. 
Identifying specific letters: K and L in a circle, while using a bingo dabbler. Creating bargraphs by counting spring pictures, coloring in a square on a bargraph to indentify the number of items in each picture...

Groups of Ten: Reading, creating, identying groups of 10-80...some liked to go 100!  This was done by reading a big book in French on base 10, then using various counters to create their groups of ten. We also have a new mini book « Les nombres de 0 à 12» to add to our Ziplock bag with base-10 cards,  0-12 to read with the rest of our collection...

     Bravo tous les Amis !  

     Have a wonderful sunny weekend!!



Mme Nielsen

Saturday, 14 April 2018

April 9th...April 13th Updates

Dear K-PM Parents, 

First of all, I wanted to wish everyone celebrating an April Birthday: “Happy Birthday!” Especially to our monthly class birthdays:


             Bonne Fête Claire! Le mercredi 25 avril 2018!! 

                                      Bravo! Bravo! 

I hope that everyone is keeping warm during this cold Spring week! In, class we have started our new calendar/ «le Calendrier», worked on counting, forward, backward, by 2's & 5's to 30. We write the date daily and practice saying it aloud with someone. 

In our new mini centres, we will be working in groups of three, with one group of two.  In our groups we continue to learn our cooperative learning roles😊 or jobs: A) the captain/ «le chef», B) the gopher/ «le Chercheur» de matériel & C) the timer/ «le garde-temps». While working in the centres, the children learn to do each job, as we rotate through the centres daily. 

Next week we will be having: 

Gym/ Éducation physique - Day 5 - Monday, April 16th

Music/ Musique & Gym/ Éducation physique - Day 6 - Tuesday, April 17th

Double mini centres / - Day 1 - Wednesday, April 18th

Library/ Bibliothèque - Day 2 - Thursday, April 19th 

Metro Commun Day - No school - Friday, April 20th 

And finally here are a few photos of our past weekly activities...

Creating, building, cooperating, sharing, problem-solving, speaking, listening, reading, and writing were part of the skills being developed during the week :)

We are also creating a “Bucket Filling Bulletin Board" similar to this one to practice our communication skills.

     Thank you and Merci! Have a wonderful weekend!


Mme Nielsen

Friday, 6 April 2018

April 2nd...April 6th Updates!

Dear K-PM & Parents, 

Welcome back!

Throughout the week we've returned to routines, started new centres, worked on alphabet skills, numbers: counting, writing and identifying them to 30! 

Friday, we reviewed the following stories: "Have You Filled A Bucket Today? " and "How Full is Your Bucket?"  🍿🍿🍿 and celebrated with a popcorn party... I will have some more next week when all of our classmates return :)

     Here are the links to the above video stories: 


     We also worked on a beautiful cooperative learning puzzle!   

     Here are a few photos of our new centres...


     Have a great weekend!



   Mme Nielsen  💗 🎉 😊