Sunday, 1 July 2018

Jubilant June!!

Dear K-PM Parents,

     First, I wish to thank all of you for attending your child's Kindergarten Farewell Celebration! It was really nice to have a chance to speak with you in person and have time to talk! 

     Second, I wish to thank you for the thoughtful wishes, cards and gifts! I really do appreciate the time taken to make, or write, or choose such appropriate gifts! I will miss all of the children's smiles, stories and funny expressions over the summer!  Feel free to email me some photos, especially of the new baby siblings!  Bonnes vacances d'été!

    Looking forward to some relaxing beach time with my family! I hope you will too!

    To all of my kindergarten students...thank you for such a fun-filled memorable year!
                              Have a wonderful time in grade one !


                    I have to say the month past by so fast that it's already July 1st! 
    Happy Canada Day to all of our K-PM families! Happy Birthday to our Summer birthday students!

Bonne Fête cet été...

                     À Kingston - le 1er juillet 🎈🎉❤️

                    À Justin - le 21 juillet 🎈🎉❤️
                    À Isandra - le 1er août 🎈🎉❤️

                    À Trevor - le 14 août 🎈🎉❤️

                    À Ruihan - qui a célébré son anniversaire au mois d'avril! -  🎈🎉❤️

                     Oh what joy to welcome Summer! 

                                     Enjoy it while it's here! 

               I will see you in the fall down the hall...


               Muriel  ❤️ 🌻 💖 🌹 

     Mme Nielsen

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Play Time Centres!

Dear K- PM Parents,

Here are a few of our weekly play time choices during centres!

      Art and origami in progress...

     Our community planners and builders...

     Hard at work!


     Fun with fine motor skills...


    And the applications on the iPads help develop fine motor skills, listening, reading, writing/ printing & directional awareness...

  Wonderful team building activities! Problem-solving! Social skills building!

  Bravo! Way to go PM Kinders...

  ❤️ 💕 💖 😊 Mme Muriel Nielsen

May 22nd - 25th - Patterns!

Dear K - PM Parents,

We had an active and productive week!  Below are a few photos of the patterns we created, based on the Three Little Pigs stories we read in class, in pictures, with concrete items, or counters.  Students were able to create, then reproduce 2, 3, or 4 elements in their patterns!

    Bravo la Maternelle!



   - Mme Nielsen

Friday, 25 May 2018

Chez le fleuriste! At the Flower Shop!

Dear K-PM Parents,

Bonjour! Good day!

We had a short and fun-filled week. Today, as part of our study on plants, we created beautiful roses that are on display at the front entrance!

   Here are some pictures of our art in progress!

    Wow! What wonderful art work and fine motors skills too!

    Bravo la Maternelle!  Way to go PM Kinders!!



 💗 ❤️ 💖 😊 Mme Nielsen

Monday, 21 May 2018

The 3 Little Pigs Study/ Les 3 petits cochons

Dear K-PM Parents,

We have begun our study of «Les 3 petits cochons». We read several versions of this traditional childhood favorite and identified the Who? - characters, the What? - 3 types of houses. And thought about the What if? - the 3 little pig had built his house of paper? Or gingerbread? Maybe the Wolf would be too full to eat the pigs!

Then, we reread a shorter version, and highlighted all the words with the «ou» sounds in them. We played a detective game with this by looking for these sounds and circling them!  What great detective work Maternelle !

Here are a few photos of this study:

     We were in groups of two creating the illustrations to decorate our bulletin board!

     Bravo la Maternelle!  😉  Way to go PM Kinders!!  😎🤗

  See you tomorrow! Day 6 - Phys. Ed. 🏃🏼👟 & Music 🎧🎹🎤


Mme Nielsen

Sunday, 20 May 2018

May 14th - 18th Updates...

Dear K - PM Parents,

    As we continue our study of's textures, usefulness and where it comes from...

   We've had a classmate show us how to create these beautiful origami tulips and created them into Mother's Day Cards!  Merci Claire pour ton aide !

     We started our paper creations by ripping construction paper into small pieces, wetting it, then reshaping it, by covering the bottom of a plastic cup to shape it into little "bowls".

     Here's our work in progress...

    More photos to come as this project develops into little bowls!

   Have a wonderful long weekend!



    Mme Nielsen

Thursday, 17 May 2018

May 7th - May 11th Updates :)

Dear K-PM Parents,

Here are a few highlights of our week in Kindergarten...

   Bravo la Maternelle !  Way to go PM Kinders!



   Mme Nielsen

Sunday, 6 May 2018

April 30th - May 4th Updates!

Bonjour! Good day!

Dear K-PM Parents,

In Science, we started our study on paper. We collected paper on terms and shared them with the class. Thank you parents for sending these people teams to school with your child and enhancing our learning!

On Friday, a classmate demonstrated how to make paper tulips! I will post these beautiful works of art on Monday! If your child wishes to show classmates "how to make" something let me know and I can organise the supplies.

In French/Français, we have also started a study on the "Three Little Pigs"/ «Les trois petits cochons». We viewed original versions made by Walt Disney in the 1930's and dubbed in French. I don't recall the children ever laughing so hard!! 

Here is the link of if you'd like to watch it at home: «Les trois petits cochons»:

We will be identifying common French sounds in our newest mini book of the «3 petits cochons», by using different coloured highlighters to circle the same sounds. 

In Math, we continue to work on our French counting skills 0-30, quickly indentifying base ten numbers, and playing dice games to identying numbers 1-6 and match them to the corresponding amount on a dotted dice pattern. 

Also we continue to play, share, take turns, problem-solve and socialize in our Play are a few more of the weekly photos:

Have a beautiful sunny weekend!

See you on Monday :)

Mme Nielsen

Saturday, 21 April 2018

April 16-20th Updates and Reminders

Dear K-PM Parents, 


This week we started our new mini centres. These include working on numbers 11-20, identifying, printing, doing 1-1 correspondence, while using play dough to shape the numbers on the cards! 

We also have two alphabet centres printing lower & upper-case, while using a highlighter/ or marker. 
Identifying specific letters: K and L in a circle, while using a bingo dabbler. Creating bargraphs by counting spring pictures, coloring in a square on a bargraph to indentify the number of items in each picture...

Groups of Ten: Reading, creating, identying groups of 10-80...some liked to go 100!  This was done by reading a big book in French on base 10, then using various counters to create their groups of ten. We also have a new mini book « Les nombres de 0 à 12» to add to our Ziplock bag with base-10 cards,  0-12 to read with the rest of our collection...

     Bravo tous les Amis !  

     Have a wonderful sunny weekend!!



Mme Nielsen

Saturday, 14 April 2018

April 9th...April 13th Updates

Dear K-PM Parents, 

First of all, I wanted to wish everyone celebrating an April Birthday: “Happy Birthday!” Especially to our monthly class birthdays:


             Bonne Fête Claire! Le mercredi 25 avril 2018!! 

                                      Bravo! Bravo! 

I hope that everyone is keeping warm during this cold Spring week! In, class we have started our new calendar/ «le Calendrier», worked on counting, forward, backward, by 2's & 5's to 30. We write the date daily and practice saying it aloud with someone. 

In our new mini centres, we will be working in groups of three, with one group of two.  In our groups we continue to learn our cooperative learning roles😊 or jobs: A) the captain/ «le chef», B) the gopher/ «le Chercheur» de matériel & C) the timer/ «le garde-temps». While working in the centres, the children learn to do each job, as we rotate through the centres daily. 

Next week we will be having: 

Gym/ Éducation physique - Day 5 - Monday, April 16th

Music/ Musique & Gym/ Éducation physique - Day 6 - Tuesday, April 17th

Double mini centres / - Day 1 - Wednesday, April 18th

Library/ Bibliothèque - Day 2 - Thursday, April 19th 

Metro Commun Day - No school - Friday, April 20th 

And finally here are a few photos of our past weekly activities...

Creating, building, cooperating, sharing, problem-solving, speaking, listening, reading, and writing were part of the skills being developed during the week :)

We are also creating a “Bucket Filling Bulletin Board" similar to this one to practice our communication skills.

     Thank you and Merci! Have a wonderful weekend!


Mme Nielsen